You’re not pregnant are you?

God, how much I have become to hate this phrase! Yes, ok I have all the symptoms of being pregnant but no I am not!! And actually I’m bloody well infertile right now and maybe forever!!
Just needed to get this off my chest.

I never really thought about this phrase before yet I’ve heard it loads especially at work where about 90% of us are women. I have probably said it a number of times myself to other women. I have definitely been asked it many times (not just recently) and not usually in a serious way but in a jokey/throw away comment kind of way and its never bothered me before.

But now I can’t stand to be asked it especially when people don’t just take no for an answer. I don’t want to explain myself all the time and I don’t want to think about not being pregnant and the not knowing if I ever will be. I think my hormones have definitely made me more irritable and perhaps I am taking it to heart too much and equally I absolutely know that the person asking isn’t trying to be hurtful but its made me think about other women’s situations. Women who are struggling with their fertility, going through IVF, miscarriages, even abortions. All the feelings and emotions that come with all those things - the last thing you want to be asked is ‘You’re not pregnant are you?’


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