All hail the vitamins!

So I wanted to give these vitamins a good go before I wrote about them in this blog and now I can give you the review you’ve all been anticipating. I have been on them now for around 6 weeks and I think they may have changed my erratic hormone life! Since starting them my unwanted hormone symptoms have significantly reduced. I haven’t had any flare ups of the extreme symptoms I have been having at all. I have still had the odd day of feeling rubbish and symptoms of nausea, fatigue, headaches on and off but nothing that lasts or as extreme.
But the biggest positive for these vitamins is…. Wait for it… I’VE HAD A PERIOD!

Well I think I have in some sort of fashion. Literally cannot think of another time that a woman would be giddy about vaginal bleeding. I immediately text the girls to let them know and we oddly celebrated. So anyway I’m not sure it was a proper period as it only last about 3 days but it’s a start! I probably will never know for sure if it was the vitamins that helped or my body was/is naturally getting back to normal but I will now definitely recommend them to any gal going through the same as me.

So they are from a company called Wild Nutrition and they are called ‘Food Grown Fertility’. Anyone else used these and had positive results? Please share. So now I await my next period and I am just as giddy for its arrival!


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