12th April – An Easter treat: the sore boobs

Easter came along and so much chocolate was consumed (it’s my hormones). We got loads of Easter eggs donated at work so I figured an egg a day keeps the hormones at bay, except it didn’t. So this next lot of hormone hell lasted just over 2 weeks, if we are following my new cycle then this just ruined it.

The usual symptoms started, although I have realised that each time I get a wave of hormone havoc it is more extreme than the last. Is that a good sign? So the nausea was now intermittent throughout the day, headaches on and off, cramps and tiredness. I also started with insomnia during the night, I felt tired all the time and could easily fall asleep but I’d be awake for 2-3 hours in the night which lasted about a week. Now for the most extreme symptom to date, what we have all anticipated – the REALLY sore boobs!

Now, when I was a teenager mum always said I’d be glad to have small boobs when I’m older. And yes I am. If my boobs were this painful then I feel very sorry for the big boobed gals of this world. So, when I say sore - I’d describe them as feeling very sensitive and very heavy and also super veiny! Over these 2 weeks they swelled up, felt hard and just uncomfortable whether I was wearing a bra or not. (My left one swelled more so they looked very uneven and kind of funny looking). During this time I felt quite sorry for my boyfriend as my boobs were huge (to us) but I would not let him anywhere near them! Just touching them or walking down the stairs or moving in bed – they hurt.

After these 2 weeks I was feeling pretty fed up and started researching vitamins to take to help with these symptoms. I started taking some towards the end of April, I won’t name them just yet until I know whether they are helping. Equally if they are shit and don’t help then I don’t want to bad mouth a company!


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